What You Need to Know



Once you have visited the center, met with our director and decided to register your child at Reaching for Rainbows, you will be asked to complete and return a number of registration forms. Licensed Early Learning and Childcare Centres in New Brunswick are mandated by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to maintain a file, containing the following information, for every child registered.

The following forms and/or documents must be completed entirely and returned before your child begins attending the center:

1. Child Profile Form, containing, at minimum, the following information:

  • your child’s name, address, date of birth, Medicare number and expiry date
  • the name, address and telephone number of your family physician
  • parent(s) names and means of contact (i.e. telephone numbers, e-mail address)
  • the names and contact information of two (2) emergency contacts (must be someone who could pick your child up, within one (1) hour of contact, in an emergency)

2. Acknowledgement of receipt of Parent Handbook and acceptance of terms therein.
3. Acknowledgement of receipt of Reaching for Rainbows Child Development Centre’s Inclusion Policy for Children and Families, Supporting All Children: Our Practices and the Inclusion Program Support Guide and acceptance of the terms therein.
4. A copy of your child’s immunization record is required by law and must be updated as immunizations are given by your health care professional. If you choose not toimmunize your child, you must sign an exemption form for his/her file. Exemption forms are available from the director.
5. Consent for Photography and Display of Photographs
6. Consent for Period of Sleep Extending beyond 2 Hours (for children under 2 years old)
7. Consent for Emergency Care and Transportation
8. Consent for Walking Outings off the Premises
9. Acknowledgement and acceptance of Protocols for Administration of Acetaminophen
10. Consent for Release of the Child into the Care of Someone Other than the Parent
11. Consent for Application of Sunscreen

This documentation goes directly into your child’s file and it is the responsibility of the parent to keep these records updated. These records could be crucial should a medical emergency arise. Failure to keep records updated could result in your child being removed from the center until records are updated, or an appropriate waiver signed.



Please ensure that your child has the following items, clearly marked with the child’s name and left at the center, at all times. Soiled clothing etc. should be replaced immediately:

  • Your preferred over-the-counter medications for use if your child develops a fever or allergic reaction etc. (i.e. Tylenol, Tempra, Benadryl, Orajel etc.)
  • Non-slip soled sneakers/footwear for indoor use (Crocs and rubber soled slippers are fine).
  • Box/package of diapers, wipes and applicable cream (if required)
  • Appropriate outdoor clothing (according to season) (i.e. Splash/Snow pants, mittens, hats, swimsuits, etc.)
  • Soft security/comfort items (if your child has a rest/sleep period). (i.e. blankets, small pillows, stuffed toy etc.)
  • Weather appropriate footwear (i.e. sneakers, rubber boots, winter boots, etc.)

* Please ensure your child’s personal belongings are labelled to prevent loss.



Each child will be provided with space to keep his or her personal belongings in during his/her attendance at the centre.

The following clothing guidelines are in place to respect the health, hygiene, personal and cultural beliefs of all families using our centre. Please, also keep in mind that the Child Daycare Facilities Operating Standards require all children in attendance to be provided with 2 hours of outdoor play per day. Consequently, we play outside in all weather conditions (except extreme cold or heat).

  • It is recommended that children be dressed in comfortable casual clothing that allows freedom of movement and freedom to paint, paste and play outside, without fear of upset should clothing become soiled, wet or dirty.
  • Each child MUST have a full change of clothing (including socks and underwear) in his/her cubby, at all times (if your child is, currently, learning to toilet independently please send several complete changes). If you take home the spare clothes to be washed, please remember to return them the following day. Even if your child is over three and toileting independently – accidents still happen – a glass of milk may spill on him, she may fall down ina puddle etc.
  • Spaghetti strap and strapless tops are discouraged as they increase the risk of sun exposure and are often disruptive to children’s play (tops slipping off shoulder or down the chest).



To ensure the children’s safety and facilitate daily communication between parents and early childhood educators, we ask that a parent accompany his/her child to the child’s classroom each day, upon arrival at the centre. While parents may be tempted, by times, to “sneak” away from a child having difficulty separating from Mom or Dad, in the interest of developing trusting relationships, we ask that parents do NOT sneak away without saying goodbye.

At Reaching for Rainbows we maintain an “open door policy”; families are welcome to drop in at any time during our program hours and our educators are happy to meet with you regarding any aspect of your child’s attendance at Reaching for Rainbows. We do request, however, that if you would like to speak with one of your child’s educators about more than just the “everyday communications”, you request an appointment. The reason for this request is to ensure the educator’s ability to maintain her/his focus on the children during program hours. Long conversations, during drop off and pick-up times, take the educator’s attention from the children and is disruptive to the program.

You must inform your child’s early childhood educators if anyone other than yourself will be picking up your child. No child will be released to a person, other than the child’s parents/guardians, unless written authorization has been given prior to the occasion.

In fairness to your child and his/her early childhood educators, we ask you to pick up your child on time. If you know that you may be later than usual, please notify us as soon as possible so that your child and his/her early childhood educators will be “prepared” for your delayed arrival.

A late fee of $ 5.00 will be charged for any portion of a fifteen-minute period past 5:30 p.m. This money is to be paid directly to the early childhood educator who has been delayed.

No child will be released from Reaching for Rainbows to a parent/guardian who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Although this would present a very uncomfortable situation for, both parents and staff, the greatest priority is for the child’s safety and well-being. It would be much preferred if we were not put in this position.
Professionals, our staff will take the following steps when a parent or guardian appears unable to safely accompany his/her child from the centre:

  • Call the child’s other parent or a person listed as an emergency contact
  • Call the RCMP if the parent becomes belligerent, abusive or loses control
  • Call the RCMP to alert them if the parent has taken the child despite the early childhood educator’s concern



Our early childhood educators enjoy making your child’s birthday a special day at Reaching for Rainbows. If you wish to help us plan for this occasion, please let us know of your intentions. We usually plan for a special snack on the afternoon of a child’s birthday. If you are unable to provide a special snack (i.e. cake, muffins, cookies or fruit), please let us know, in advance, so that we can arrange the snack from our kitchen. Parents are encouraged to participate with us in their child’s special day. Please let us know if you’ll be sharing snack with us so that we’ll prepare enough food. Reaching for Rainbows is an interracial and non-sectarian child development centre. We wish to promote each child’s acquisition of knowledge and understanding concerning his/her culture and society. If there are any special days that your family recognizes and are willing to share with us, please bring this valuable information to your child’s teacher’s attention. We are also interested in any special routines, clothing, books, or other items pertaining to the celebration/recognition of these special days that may be of interest to the early childhood educators and the children.



All children staying at the centre for a full day are required to participate in a quiet time during which they may or may not actually sleep. We recommend that you send a blanket or other ‘comfort item’ to the centre to help your child feel secure during rest time.

Children who do not sleep during rest time will be offered quiet activities to keep them occupied while still providing a “down-time” for each child to rest.



Field trips are an essential part of a stimulating educational child development program. Field trips are generally conducted on a weekly basis. Daily excursions are part of our outdoor/gross motor activities. They help us become familiar with our neighbourhood and the environment in which we live. Many of these excursions are walking tours; making observations on the way – looking at houses, trees, flowers, vehicles etc. Field trips; however, require more planning and we feel they are an important part of our program; they are a special part of the child’s week. You will be notified, in advance, of these outings, which might include a visit to the fire station, a visit to the zoo, skating or bowling, etc. It is important that you help us to make these days enjoyable for your child by ensuring that your child arrives on time and is well rested. If you can offer your assistance, in any way, please let us know.



Transportation is available for morning drop off at school and afternoon pick up from school for students attending Claude D. Taylor, Frank L. Bowser, Riverview East and West Riverview elementary schools, as well as Riverview Middle School. Transportation is provided in the centre’s fifteen passenger Ford Transit van, with the use of CSA approved five point harness car seats or booster seats for all children under 9 years old, under 79 pounds and under 4 feet, 9 inches (57 inches).



At Reaching for Rainbows, we take advantage of every opportunity, presented by individuals, business and community organizations, to involve the children in community events and learning opportunities.
We utilize a variety of community resources in program planning for outings and guest speakers etc. For instance, programs often include visits to or from the following organizations and businesses:


Riverview Fire and Rescue The Moncton Hospital
The Greater Moncton RCMP The Riverview Library
Poison Control The Riverview Aquatic Center
Canadian Red Cross CEPS Pool
The Magnetic Hill Zoo Beauséjour Gymnastics Club…and many others

Reaching for Rainbows Child Development Centre

145 Lakeside Dr
Riverview, NB, E1B4K7

T: 506-389-1442
E: info@reachingforrainbows.ca

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